Why to Avoid the ER for Dental Emergencies

Aug 16, 2019

The answer is simple. Avoiding a visit to an emergency room because of a dental-related incident can save you a lot of money. While there will always be reasons to go to an emergency room for oral conditions such as a broken jaw, many other conditions can be treated by an emergency dentist in Clearwater, FL without having to deal with the prices and overcrowding of understaffed urgent care facilities.

Common Knowledge is Important

While it may seem like a no-brainer to some of you reading this, a lot of emergency room patients fail to remember is that in most states it’s illegal for anyone other than a board-certified dentist to perform such routine dental procedures such as pulling a tooth, filling a cavity, or performing any type of restorative dental care. And since finding an emergency room with a dentist on staff is a difficult task, a better option is to give Dental Arts Clearwater a call to be connected with a dedicated and highly skilled group of board-certified dental experts who provide the care you need – when you need it!

Are You Experiencing Dental Pain? We Can Help!

If you are currently experiencing dental pain, it may be an indication that something more serious is going on. Severe pain could be caused by an infection or an abscess in the tooth that could lead to further health and oral problems without prompt treatment. These conditions could also be a sign that preventative oral care in Clearwater is necessary.

How Preventative Dental Care Can Save Money in the Long Run

At Dental Arts Clearwater, we perform exams to determine any issues you may be having with your teeth so dental emergencies can be avoided. During the exam, we look for any signs of damage or infection in the mouth and pinpoint any areas that may need dental treatment. With our help, you can prevent issues from worsening over time or seeking emergency dental care near you when you least expect to be looking for it.

It’s a Budget Consideration: The Bottom-Line Concerning Emergency Dental Care in Clearwater, FL

Latest statistics have shown that an estimated 800,000 Americans visit an emergency room for dental care each year at the cost of approximately $765 per visit. Call Dental Arts Clearwater today to learn how a dental exam and professional teeth cleaning can come in well below that budget-killing cost!

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