A root canal treatment is primarily done to remove the infected pulp from a tooth and eliminate the infection. Furthermore, it protects the tooth and protects the tooth from microbial invasion in the future.
The pulp chamber can become infected if you have a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. If the infection becomes severe, abscesses can form, causing severe pain. The infection can also affect the jawbone and cause overall health problems.
Although there are several reasons to visit an endodontist in Clearwater, the primary reason is to prevent further tooth infection.
If you suspect you need an endodontic treatment, visit a dental office in Clearwater as soon as possible, and here are the root canal telltale signs to watch out for:
One of the most common signs you may need a root canal is a pain in your tooth. You may experience this pain suddenly, for no apparent reason. This may be due to decay affecting the nerve of the tooth.
Sensitivity to hot and cold indicates you have an infected nerve in your tooth. This can be mild, or it can be more pronounced and painful. If the pain persists for more than a week, you should visit an emergency dentist in Clearwater. The dentist will check your tooth for inflammation and pain. If the tooth is inflamed, he may recommend a root canal.
You might need a root canal if you’ve recently cracked or chipped a tooth. After an injury, bacteria can settle into cracks and cause infection. Even though it’s unlikely to require an emergency root canal, you should still visit your dentist for an assessment. This is because a cracked tooth can lead to infection and tooth nerve damage.
Cracked teeth can be dangerous if not treated properly, so schedule an appointment as soon as you notice any cracks.
Swollen gums are usually a sign that you may need a root canal, although aggressive brushing can damage the gums too. This inflammation also causes the gums to become tender. You may need root canal surgery to remove the infection and save your tooth. In addition, a darkened gum is another sign that you may need a root canal.
You may also develop a pimple in the gum area, known as a gum boil, parulis, or abscess. If the pus from the abscess breaks into your mouth, it can cause a foul taste or bad breath. In severe cases, your teeth may be sensitive and painful, so it is important to schedule an appointment immediately.
You should expect some discomfort and soreness after your root canal treatment. This is a normal part of the recovery process, and pain medications can help reduce the amount of discomfort. However, if you take these medications, you should check with your dentist in 33756 because they may interact with your other prescription medications or supplements.
Also, avoid hard and chewy foods, as this can cause further pain and slow healing.
Your mouth may still be sensitive the first few days after the endodontic treatment, and you may have difficulty biting.
It is also important not to exercise or engage in strenuous activity for a few days after your root canal. As your tooth begins to feel better, you may want to start eating solid food. Avoid biting the tooth that has been treated, and chew on the opposite side of your mouth instead.
A follow-up visit will be necessary to ensure the procedure went smoothly. After the procedure, brush and floss your teeth gently to avoid infection.
If you’re concerned about the pain after your root canal, you should inform Dr. Cecilia Sorelle immediately.
Visit our root specialist in Dental Arts Clearwater for more information about root canals and what you can expect.
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