You may express regret when your dentist recommends you have a tooth extracted, but you shouldn’t have any complaints, especially if you have avoided dental visits for quite some time. The dentist near you would have preserved your tooth if you had contacted them earlier for an examination of your mouth.
Did you like many people think dental visits are best scheduled when you encounter toothaches or infections? It is probably a toothache that brought you to the dentist when your tooth was beyond repair. You may not like having a tooth extracted, but retaining it in your mouth can cause more problems than just losing a tooth with infections affecting your jawbone. Dentists try to preserve every tooth but recommend dental extractions as a last resort if the tooth could affect your dental and overall health.
Besides routine exams and cleanings, you can visit dentists with any problems you have in your mouth. A painful wisdom tooth undoubtedly requires attention from the dentist in Clearwater, FL, to extract it. You may have an extensive cavity affecting the dental pulp in your tooth, resulting in the recommendation for tooth extraction.
Problems like gum disease, trauma to the tooth and surrounding bone, and dental infections also call for tooth extractions performed by dentists or oral surgeons. If you have a complicated situation in your mouth, you require attention from the best dentist in Clearwater, FL, to perform a surgical extraction. This article describes the different types of extractions and why you may need them.
The type of tooth extraction you undergo depends on the position, location, shape, and size of the tooth.
Your third molars, often the last to erupt, called wisdom teeth, are usually the first victims of extractions. Wisdom teeth emerge when there is insufficient space in your mouth to accommodate them. In many cases, they remain impacted below the gum line, causing pain and discomfort leaving dentists with no alternatives but recommend an extraction. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth removal requires you to endure a surgical procedure to remove the painful tooth.
Suppose your teeth are above the gum line; dentists can remove them in a straightforward procedure using dental instruments like elevators and forceps in a relatively quick method. If you are fearful about the system, rest assured dentists providing adequate anaesthesia to ensure you feel no pain but only some pressure during the process.
Whether you are scheduling a straightforward surgical tooth extraction in Clearwater, FL, you must prepare for the procedure well ahead of time, knowing full well the tooth removal can benefit your dental health.
You must discuss the process comprehensively with Clearwater dental to determine what you can or cannot do in the days before the removal.
The dentist will request your entire medical history and also ask about any medications you are taking. You are advised to stop taking some medicines or start taking some depending on how many teeth you want to have removed.
Extractions are never performed without providing anaesthesia. If you are accustomed to dental procedures, you can manage with local anesthesia. However, if it’s the first time you are having an adult tooth removed and are anxious, you can request more potent anaesthesia from the dentist, which they provide in the form of oral medications. You must take the medicines an hour before the procedure but make arrangements for someone to drive down to the dentist’s office and back.
As explained earlier, extractions are either surgical or straightforward. A visible tooth is extracted in a short procedure using elevators to loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps.
If you undergo a surgical extraction for an impacted wisdom tooth, the dentists must cut the gums to remove any obstructing bone before extracting the tooth in pieces.
You will experience discomfort from the extraction after the anesthesia wears off. However, dentists provide over-the-counter painkillers to overcome any pain you experience while also providing instructions to care for the extraction site appropriately. You require about a couple of days to recover from a straightforward extraction, but a surgical extraction requires more time. However, if you have an infected or problematic tooth in your mouth, the optimal option is to have the tooth removed before it causes more problems.
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